Psychodrama Links and related addresses
Bibliography of psychodrama books and articles world wide by subject and
British Pschodrama Association, Administrator, James Scanlan
British Psychodrama Association News
International Association of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama Section
Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations
London Psychodrama Network Monthly Events-open sessions at Lancaster Hall
Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, Lancaster Gate, Central Line, Last Friday night of
the month, 6:45 to 9:30pm
Institute for Action Methods and Psychodrama (IMAP) in Geneva, Co-ordinator,
Dr.Norbert Apter, M.Karp, Trainer
Psychodrama Articles, Books, Chapters, General information
Psychodrama Workshop in Spain, October 17-24, 2009, Marcia Karp, Director
Athens Greece 5 year training course and public sessions every three months
Sculpture and Drawings By Jackson Sprague
Psychodrama World discussion group